Science 2

this is science 2. Since i can't fit anything else on the science page this will fit some more plants.

Bay:  spice, short tree, thin trunk
Cussonia Panaculata: stripy, sharp edges, short
Dioscorea Macrostachya: tall, vines,rocky roots
Gallium Verum: Purple, stripy

Stinging nettles: Stinging nettles is a plant that is spiky on the edges, as
you can see. It is called stinging nettles because if you touch it, it will sting.
Trust Me

This is garden mint garden mint is small, but not that small compared to
 Corsican mint which is shorter than cut grass. Anyway, garden mint it is used for
flavoring and sometimes eating.
 Dandelion: Dandelion is a plant that grows all around, and it has a few purposes.
1. The flower puffs up and is great for blowing. 2. sometimes people put it in salads,
but it's bitter. 3. Dandelion root is used in making dandelion tea.

Poke: Poke has one important part, the poke berries. Poke berry is a soft,
easy to squash, and will stain your clothes. If you squash it in your hands,
it will leave a mark.