Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Total population: 31,968,361
% of population living in poverty: 19%
GDP: $153.8 billion
Capital: Rabat
Largest city: Casablanca 
Coasts: 1835 km
Major bodies of water: Tyrrhenian Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean
Major rivers: Oumer River, Sebou, Bou Regreg, Tensift, Draa, Sous, Ziz and Gheris.
Bordering countries: Western Sahara, and Algeria
Largest religion: Islam
Climate: Generally the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts have a mild climate with hot summers with wet and rainy short winters. The weather becomes more extreme in the interior with very hot summers and cold winters.
Geographical features: northern coast and interior are mountainous with large areas of bordering plateaus, intermontane valleys, and rich coastal plains central morocco is filled with hilly mountain ranges 
  On February 20, thousands of Moroccans rallied in the capital, Rabat, to demand that King Mohammed give up some of his powers, chanting slogans like: "Down with autocracy" and "The people want to change the constitution”. They were heading towards parliament and police had not tried to halt them, although Moroccan Finance Minister Salaheddine Mezouar said people should not join the march. A separate protest was also under way in Casablanca and one was planned for Marrakesh. 

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