History of presidential electricity at the white house
A little while ago on the Onion,_______ _ __________ wrote about the history of electricity on a timeline. 1. White house spends big money on light bulbs because Teddy Roosevelt shoots them. 2. William Howard Taft never turns heat on because his fat warms him. 3. Calvin Coolidge installs a flashing neon sign that says USA. 4. FDR Never used white house elevator to save electricity. 5. 20% of the white house's electricity is supplied by Richard Nixon pedaling a stationary bike. 6. Jimmy Carter does something with peanuts. 7. Reagan gives a 2 hour speech to his staff about turning of a light5 in a room that you aren't in. 8. A secret service man is assigned to keep an eye on a thermostat. That's the entire article so I'm not going to post a link.