Monday, October 25, 2010

The Philadelphia Inquirer

Today in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Jonathan Tamari wrote that The Tennessee Titans beat The Philadelphia Eagles 37-19. He thought that the Eagles missed opportunities on sunday. They were 3 yards from taking a commanding lead(what's a commanding lead?) in the third quarter, but  they fumbled. He said they had a great chance to beat a second consecutive playoff contender, and gain a foothold as one of the NFC's top teams near the seasons halfway point(don't know what that means ether).
      Instead they dropped 4-3 and remain inconsistent from game to game even from quarter to quarter. That upsets me because i'm an Eagles fan. I used to like the Titans too because my cousin is Keith Bulluck but since he was traded this loss makes me angry. I don't think that the Eagles would keep losing if Michael Vick could play, though. Read the rest of the article using the link below.


  1. A commanding lead is what I gain whenever suckers try to face me in FIFA 2011.

  2. I feel bad for my Eagles brother Kofi. I mean, they are young and hungry and looking for victory. Kolb is a good depth Q.B., but I think the season hinges on big Mike Vick.
