Monday, October 25, 2010

The New York Times

Today in the New York Times, Judy Battista wrote that the Pittsburgh Steelers won against the Miami Dolphins 23-22. Quarterback Ben  Roethlisberger fumbled just before he crossed the goal line, but they couldn't tell who recovered. The victory made the Steelers 5-1 and the Dolphins 3-3. Before that happened The Miami Dolphins were winning 22-20. Lucky for the Steelers, the replay proved that Roethlisberger lost control of the ball but the Dolphins didn't recover it. 
    After that the Steelers kicked an 18 yard field goal putting the Steelers in the lead. Then the Steelers used their defense and the Dolphins couldn't score. The Dolphins couldn't get a first down, and the game ended. If you want to read the article use this link

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