Monday, April 4, 2011



Type of government:  Parliamentary Democracy
Current head of state:  President Shimon Peres
Total population:  7,473,052
% of population living in poverty: % 23.6
GDP: $201.3 billion
Capital: Jerusalem  
Largest city: Jerusalem
Coasts: 273 km
Major bodies of water: The Mediterranean sea, the Gulf of Aqaba, and the Dead Sea
Major rivers: Jordan, Qishon, Yarqon, and the Yarmuk river  
Bordering countries: Syria, Jordan, West bank, Egypt and the Gaza Strip
Majority religion: Judaism
Climate:  temperate; hot and dry in southern and eastern desert areas
Geographical features: Mt. Carmel, Mt. Hermon, Mt. Meron, and Mt. Gilboa
Flag of Israel

Selected current event in Israel: 
After the regime change of Egypt, Egypt’s new foreign minister Nabil al-Arabi said Egypt will demand that Israel pay the difference between the lower prices it received and market value on the natural gas it purchased under deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The new Oil minister said that Egypt had to renegotiate oil treaties. Arabi also threatened to review and amend security arrangements agreed to in the 1979 Israel-Egypt peace treaty, but he stressed that the two countries would have to agree on any changes.  

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