Wednesday, April 13, 2011



Type of government: Republic
Current head of state: President Michel Suleiman, and Prime Minister Najib Mikati
Total population: 4,1431,01
% of population living in poverty: % 28
GDP: $ 58.65
Capital: Beirut
Largest city: Beirut
Coasts: 225 km
Major bodies of water: Mediterranean Sea, and Lake Damascus.
Major rivers: the Litani River, the Al Qasmiyah River,and the Nahr Barada River
Bordering countries: Israel, and Syria
Majority religion: Islam
Climate: mild to cool, wet winters with hot, dry summers; Lebanon mountains experience heavy winter snows
Geographical features: The Biqa valley, and the Great rift system
beirut.jpg Beirut

Selected current event in Lebanon:
 Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati on Wednesday called for overcoming Lebanese disputes through the use of dialogue.
“We are in need of a rapprochement between the Lebanese in order to achieve comprehensive reconciliation,” Mikati said on the anniversary of the Lebanese Civil War’s outbreak in 1975.
The PM-designate was quoted by the National News Agency as saying that the majority of the Lebanese people reject using “the logic of war and internal divisions.” “Ending war does not only happen through ceasefire but through learning the lessons of the past.” The Lebanese Civil War lasted from 1975 to 1990 and resulted in an estimated 130,000 to 250,000 civilian fatalities.” –

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